Alright team, listen up!
You’ve played well, but this is the International Cup, and I need you to put in the hard yards if we expect to win! We need a strong team! A strong team needs an even stronger leader! We need a Captain! Someone to lead from the front. A man to motivate and drive us to victory!
Your Captain is a natural leader with a unique Captain Skill that will give a performance bonus to the entire team!
This new Captain can be easily identified by the gold captain badge above his card.
Just as with Player Skills there are 3 tiers for each Captain Skill. Higher tiers give a better bonuses to the team for that skill.
Bronze Captain Skill
Silver Captain Skill
Gold Captain Skill
On the front of each Captain’s card you can see his current skill levels, including the level of his Captain Skill, and on the reverse of his card you can see what his particular Captain Skill is.
In this case, our acting Captain Felipe has the Power Leader skill that grants a bonus to kicking power for all members of the team. As this skill levels up that bonus will increase, further improving the whole team!
Every Captain has a unique Captain Skill that provides a powerful perk to the team.
Captain Skills:
So welcome your new captain! With his leadership and he will help lead us to VICTORY! Remember that with every win we are one step closer to becoming LEGENDS!
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Author: Chris Brown