
Welcome to the Armory – Into the Dead

December 16, 2014

The Armory is where you buy and equip your weapons in Into the Dead. As your first line of defense against the undead, it’s crucial that you make the right choice – any mistakes could be deadly!

So we asked the greatest zombie slayers we know for advice on picking the best weapons – Into the Dead players!


Your top three picks for the best zombie fighting weapon were, in no particular order: the Minigun, the Submachine Gun, and the Assault Rifle!

The Minigun is pretty close to the perfect weapon. It’s ideal for taking out zombies in the distance, clearing the way for you to run right on through. Press and hold to fire a continuous stream of leaded death!


If the horde is all up in your face, the Submachine Gun is your saving grace. Take down the zombies in epic blood splattering style by pressing and holding the screen to auto fire!

Submachine Gun

Who could forget the Assault Rifle. With well balanced stats, the Assault Rifle is ideal for taking down anything that’s standing in your way. Tap the screen once to unleash a barrage of bullets!

assault rifle

What would your top three weapon choices be? Tell us in the comments below, or send us a tweet! And remember – when the dead are rising, RUN!